f:: CLI, pnpm Vercel CLI Install Vercel CLI Overview pnpm i -g vercel + vercel 34.2.0 Login vercel login Vercel CLI 34.2.0 ? Log in to Vercel Continue with GitHub > Success! GitHub authentication complete for [email protected] Congratulations! You are now logged in. In order to deploy something, run `vercel`. 💡 Connect your Git Repositories to deploy every branch push automatically (https://vercel.link/git). Link local directory to a Vercel Project vercel link Vercel CLI 32.2.5 ? Set up “~/Documents/adithya321/nextjs-subscription-payments”? [Y/n] y ? Which scope should contain your project? Adithya Jayasankar ? Found project “adithya321j/nextjs-subscription-payments”. Link to it? [Y/n] y ✅ Linked to adithya321j/nextjs-subscription-payments (created .vercel) Download the development env vars vercel env pull .env.local Vercel CLI 32.2.5 > Downloading `development` Environment Variables for Project nextjs-subscription-payments ✅ Created .env.local file and added it to .gitignore [287ms]