p:: Obsidian

Use callouts - Obsidian Help

Use the following syntax to denote a callout block: > [!INFO].

> [!INFO]
> Here's a callout block.
> It supports **Markdown**, [[Internal link|Wikilinks]], and [[Embed files|embeds]]!
> ![[glider.png]]

It will show up like this:


Here’s a callout block. It supports Markdown, Wikilinks and embeds!

Types and aliases

Each type comes with a different background color and icon. The type identifier is case insensitive.

Title and body

You can define the title of the callout block, and you can also have a callout without body content.

> [!TIP] Callouts can have custom titles, which also supports ==markdown==!

Callouts can have custom titles, which also supports markdown!


Additionally, you can create a folding callout by adding + (default expanded) or - (default collapsed) after the block.

> [!FAQ]- Are callouts foldable?
> Yes! In a foldable callout, the contents are hidden until it is expanded.

Will show up as:


You can also nest callouts multiple layers deep.

> [!question] Can callouts be nested?
> > [!todo] Yes!, they can.
> > > [!example]  You can even use multiple layers of nesting.

Will result in:

Can callouts be nested?

Yes!, they can.

You can even use multiple layers of nesting.