p:: PostgreSQL
docker run \
-e "AUTH_JWT_ALG=HS256" \
-e "AUTH_JWT_KEY=..." \
-e "DATABASE_URL=..." \
-e "DATABASE_USE_IPV6=true" \
-e "ELECTRIC_WRITE_TO_PG_MODE=direct_writes" \
-e "PG_PROXY_PORT=65432" \
-p 5133:5133 \
-p 65432:65432 \
Verify that Electric has successfully initialized its connection to Postgres:
curl localhost:5133/api/status
Connection to Postgres is up!
brew install flyctl
fly auth login
Fly Postgres
fly pg create
? Choose an app name (leave blank to generate one):
automatically selected personal organization: Adithya J
Some regions require a Launch plan or higher (bom, fra).
See https://fly.io/plans to set up a plan.
? Select region: Amsterdam, Netherlands (ams)
? Select configuration: Development - Single node, 1x shared CPU, 256MB RAM, 1GB disk
? Scale single node pg to zero after one hour? No
Creating postgres cluster in organization personal
Creating app...
Setting secrets on app silent-surf-4241...
Provisioning 1 of 1 machines with image flyio/postgres-flex:15.6@sha256:92917e5770cef6666dddbf17061c2f95b9e19b8155be9a8ce8c35e09e5381167
Waiting for machine to start...
Machine 2867490be29458 is created
==> Monitoring health checks
Waiting for 2867490be29458 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
Postgres cluster silent-surf-4241 created
Username: postgres
Password: rUDi4fj22fwBEw4
Hostname: silent-surf-4241.internal
Flycast: fdaa:0:5fd6:0:1::5
Proxy port: 5432
Postgres port: 5433
Connection string: postgres://postgres:[email protected] :5432
Save your credentials in a secure place -- you won't be able to see them again!
Connect to postgres
Any app within the Adithya J organization can connect to this Postgres using the above connection string
Now that you've set up Postgres, here's what you need to understand: https://fly.io/docs/postgres/getting-started/what-you-should-know/
If you already have an instance of Fly Postgres running, make sure it’s configured with wal_level=logical
fly pg -a silent-surf-4241 config show
shared-buffers 3200 8kB Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server. (16, 1073741823) false
log-statement none Sets the type of statements logged. [none, ddl, mod, all] false
shared-preload-libraries repmgr Lists shared libraries to preload into server. false
wal-level replica Sets the level of information written to the WAL. [minimal, replica, logical] false
max-connections 300 Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections. (1, 262143) false
work-mem 4096 kB Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces. (64, 2147483647) false
maintenance-work-mem 65536 kB Sets the maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations. (1024, 2147483647) false
max-wal-senders 10 Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes. (0, 262143) false
max-replication-slots 10 Sets the maximum number of simultaneously defined replication slots. (0, 262143) false
log-min-duration-statement -1 ms Sets the minimum execution time above which all statements will be logged. (-1, 2147483647) false
fly pg -a silent-surf-4241 config update --wal-level logical
wal-level replica logical true
? Are you sure you want to apply these changes? Yes
Performing update...
Update complete!
Please note that some of your changes will require a cluster restart before they will be applied.
? Restart cluster now? Yes
Identifying cluster role(s)
Machine 2867490be29458: primary
Restarting machine 2867490be29458
Waiting for 2867490be29458 to become healthy (started, 3/3)
Machine 2867490be29458 restarted successfully!
Postgres cluster has been successfully restarted!
fly pg -a silent-surf-4241 config show
wal-level logical Sets the level of information written to the WAL. [minimal, replica, logical] false
max-connections 300 Sets the maximum number of concurrent connections. (1, 262143) false
shared-preload-libraries repmgr Lists shared libraries to preload into server. false
max-wal-senders 10 Sets the maximum number of simultaneously running WAL sender processes. (0, 262143) false
max-replication-slots 10 Sets the maximum number of simultaneously defined replication slots. (0, 262143) false
work-mem 4096 kB Sets the maximum memory to be used for query workspaces. (64, 2147483647) false
maintenance-work-mem 65536 kB Sets the maximum memory to be used for maintenance operations. (1024, 2147483647) false
shared-buffers 3200 8kB Sets the number of shared memory buffers used by the server. (16, 1073741823) false
log-statement none Sets the type of statements logged. [none, ddl, mod, all] false
log-min-duration-statement -1 ms Sets the minimum execution time above which all statements will be logged. (-1, 2147483647) false
Fly Postgres does not support encrypted database connections inside its private 6PN network while Electric enforces encryption by default. The below DATABASE_REQUIRE_SSL
 setting changes Electric’s behaviour by allowing it to fallback to using unencrypted connections.
The app config needs to include an http_service
 with internal port 5133
 and a TCP service for Electric’s migrations proxy  that listens on port 65432
 by default.
vim fly.toml
app = "electric-on-fly-test-app-6962"
[ build ]
image = "electricsql/electric:canary"
[ env ]
AUTH_MODE = "insecure"
DATABASE_URL = "postgres://postgres:[email protected] :5432"
ELECTRIC_WRITE_TO_PG_MODE = "direct_writes"
PG_PROXY_PASSWORD = "proxy_password"
# The main Internet-facing service of Electric
# to which clients will be connecting.
[ http_service ]
internal_port = 5133
force_https = true
[[ http_service . checks ]]
interval = "10s"
timeout = "1s"
grace_period = "20s"
method = "GET"
path = "/api/status"
# Service definition for the migrations proxy that runs
# on a separate TCP port.
[[ services ]]
protocol = "tcp"
internal_port = 65432
[[ services . ports ]]
port = 65432
handlers = [ "pg_tls" ]
As soon as you’re ready to take your Fly app from development to production, make sure to replace the DATABASE_URL
 environment variables with secrets.
ElectricSQL doesn’t currently  support multiple running Electric instances connected to the same database. So it’s important to override Fly’s default behaviour of creating two machines for a new app by passing the --ha=false
 flag to fly launch
fly launch --copy-config --ha=false